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Our courier software and dispatch software uses some of the most advanced tools available today.


Technology plays a major role at KCS Courier, allowing you true 24/7 access to your account.

With just a click you can arrange deliveries, track shipments and receive real time proof of delivery. Your world, when you want it, secure and convenient.


Online Access and Account Management

Our early warning systems built into our dispatch software helps ensure you that deliveries are made on time, all of the time. If you have an online account, you can log in from our website wherever you have a computer and internet access to enter new orders, check status on existing deliveries or examine invoices.

Mobile Data Communications and GPS

We communicate with our drivers and contractors through web-enabled phones, two-way pagers, email, or other modern methods, through our dispatch software.

Distribution Solutions and Bar Code Tracking

In addition to our powerful distribution software tools for on-demand messenger and scheduled route deliveries, we have built a powerful set of tools for managing complex distributions that require piece level tracking through a series of distribution points.

On-Line Entry and Tracking and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Our courier software system provides the most powerful on-line entry, tracking, and reporting in the industry today. Our routed customers can track your routes on-line, stop-by-stop.

Driver tracking by GPS

Even the best wireless carriers have holes in their networks, that’s why we use GPS. Wondering where your driver is? Give us a call and we can find them in a second.

Nextel Direct Connect Radio Systems

All of our drivers are assigned Nextel Radios with Direct Connect and Data features. In fact, our drivers upload their route sheets daily into their Nextel’s. This allows us to constantly monitor where our driver is and to ensure they are on time.